Welcome to the RotU Discord Status Project

Here you will find all the information and the latest patch notes for the RotU Discord Status.


About RotU Discord Status

The RotU Discord Status was developed to provide a more appealing and informative Discord status display, potentially attracting new players. Our goal is to keep RotU active and offer even more to our community.

Developing & Resources

The program was developed in Python and works in conjunction with Discord's Rich Presence. The program does not access any user data; connecting to the folder "modsrotuv1" is solely for the purpose of capturing the current player's name. Connecting to the website (www.modszombies.com) is used to recognize and display the current waves.

How to Install

Install and Configure
  • 1.) Unpack the file "rotu.exe" & "myprofile.cfg"
  • 2.) Copy the "rotu.exe" & "myprofile.cfg" file's into your Call of Duty United Offensive folder
  • 3.) Edit "myprofile.cfg" to show your Profile on your Discord Status, Simply go to your profile site (www.modszombies.com/user-YOURNAME)and copy your Profile name (user-YOURNAME) as example: user-Mambu. paste it into your myprofile.cfg and done!
  • 4.) Simply start the "rotu.exe" file, and the game will automatically launch as well!


Version 1.3.1
  • - Added Current playerstatus
  • - Fixed RPC status, Limit was reached
Version 1.2 [Beta]
  • - Added own Profile Label (Profile button to your own Profile Link)
  • - Added the Current Wave in the RotU Server to the Discord Status
  • - Delete some useless code & improved the code more
  • - Should work now on Win XP, Win 8, Win 10 & Win 11
Version 1.0 [Testversion]
  • - Added rich presence (Discord)
  • - Fixed startup of CoDUOMP.exe
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