Welcome to the RotU Widget Project

Here you will find all the information and the latest patch notes for the RotU Widget for Windows.


About RotU Widget

The RotU Windows Widget was developed to give players the ability to view the current status of the RotU server, including all information such as the current wave, map, players, and more!

Developing & Resources

The program was developed in Python for Windows (currently tested on Windows 10). The program does not use any system resources; the resources it needs are utilized from the website (www.modszombies.com). This tool also does not require much CPU, GPU, or RAM (CPU = 0 - 2%, GPU = 0 - 1%, and RAM = 1 - 2%).

How to Install

Install and Configure
  • 1.) Unpack the file "ServerWidget.exe".
  • 2.) Copy the "ServerWidget.exe" where ever you want.
  • 3.) Simply start the "ServerWidget.exe" file.
  • Note: You can move the tool around at any time, just as you wish.
  • Note: The upper left button is an options button.


Version 1.0.2
  • - Added all Server Stats of Rotu
  • - Optimized the Tool
  • - Fixed Close button in the Option Menu
  • - Fixed the stop-process when quiting the tool on the Main Menu
  • - Added a Option Menu with a feature "Keep widget in foreground?"
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